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Become an Honest Reviewer!

Dr. Buckley is seeking opinions/feedback about his debut book on parenting. If you have a career in either social work, psychology, or ministry/theology AND your work focuses on individual-environmental fit, socio-ecological theories, adolescent development, counseling parents or children, he would like to send you a FREE review copy of his book. The button below will link you to information on how to become a reviewer.

Team Scientific Approach Needs Your Expertise!

As a reviewer, we need your feedback on the following five (5) questions.

Are there suggestions, recommendations, etc. in this parenting text that you would actually try/use in your practice? reference in your work? If yes, please cite and provide a 2-3 sentence justification.

Are there suggestions, recommendations, etc. in this parenting text that you have tried (or seen) which you believe and/or know are just not effective? If yes, please cite and provide a 2-3 sentence justification.


Are there suggestions, recommendations, etc. in this parenting text that you think are interesting and/or believe some parents would find interesting, but you have NOT tried or implemented them in your practice/work? If yes, please cite and provide a 2-3 sentence justification.

In reading how Dr. Buckley approaches "honest parenting," do you see any connections to concepts in your own professional career? Which concepts in your subject matter area would be the most appropriate descriptors for his approach to parenting?  

What are your final words of advice and encouragement for Dr. Buckley as he finishes the book and prepares for the publication, promotion and distribution of Honest Parenting?

Because we are excited about getting this eBook into the hands of millennials as quickly as possible, we would be absolutely thrilled if you would submit your review, via email below, before August 1, 2020.

Become a part of the Honest Parenting Revolution!
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Yes, I am interested in learning more

about becoming an Honest Parenting Reviewer!

We're super excited you've decided to become a part of the Honest Revolution! Start the process by simply downloading our non-disclosure agreement.

After you've completed and signed our legally-binding, non-disclosure agreement (NDA), answered the questions below, you'll simply email it to After receipt, a Scientist's Approach Team Member will review your request to become a reviewer. If your interest matches our need and timetable, you will then receive an e-mail with a link to access your FREE review copy of the manuscript at which time you will be asked to complete a review consisting of 5 questions before Saturday, August 1st. Once you've completed your review, you can email your responses and feedback to Thank you so much for your interest in becoming a part of the Honest Parenting Revolution!

Please answer the following:
I am a (check ALL that apply):
I am interested in the topic of parenting because (check ALL that apply):

Thank you for your interest and for supporting the Honest Parenting Revolution!

Please be sure to email your NDA and/or Honest Review to;

Click here to email your Non-Disclosure Agreement and Honest Parenting Review!
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